IT Strategy: Help develop a forward-looking IT strategy that is aligned with business goals and budgetary constraints. Ensure IT strategy is at the core of business strategy to drive continuous business improvement. Improve decision making by improving information quality and timeliness. Increase efficiency, quality and functionality by improving processes.

IT Staffing: Assess your IT staffing to analyze skill gaps and make it more effective by ensuring optimal staffing levels and prune non-performing assets. Implement multi sourcing and outsourcing strategies to reduce people dependence while driving process excellence. We will recommend approach for rationalization / augmentation of IT resources.

IT Assessments: Providing an expert and honest look at where your IT department is now and a plan to get it where it needs to be. Provide insight into skill gaps and help establish succession plans and career development options for effective functioning.

IT Executive Mentoring: Ongoing executive-level mentoring to bring your IT executives up to speed. Ensure business and IT talk the same language and there is greater appreciation and understanding of IT initiatives across the organization.

IT Project Management / Program Management: Experienced project management to keep your large IT projects on track, successful, and efficient. Critically evaluate technology fitment, project plans and anticipated business benefits to identify course corrections.

IT Security: Undertake IT security health check. Increase IT security awareness with top management and highlight business impact and IT security measures to be implemented. Help establish an IT security roadmap to safeguard business from cyber threats.

IT Compliance: Providing guidance to achieve corporate governance and compliance within legislated standards. Leverage open-source and adopt optimal licensing options leveraging existing vendor relationships of Absortio.

IT Service Delivery: Providing an objective assessment on qualitative and quantitative IT service delivery KPIs. Assess how well IT is doing in delivering the right services, at the right level of quality and at the right price. Provide advice/evaluate IT vendors/solutions.

Executive & Board Reporting: Providing an independent assessment of your IT operations and infrastructure to the CEO and Board of Directors. Developing a management dashboard to demonstrate how IT projects are helping achieve business outcomes such as increased sales, increased margins and increased market share.

Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Planning: Helping you plan and prepare for disaster so that your business can resume operations as quickly as possible in case of an eventuality.